When asked about the future of Direct Carrier Billing, Declan explains that DCB is springing up everywhere, but it tends to be the large brands who are getting direct billing access, while traditional CSPs continue to bill through Aggregators.
The main driver for DCB growth, he says, is ‘carrier appetite to embrace frictionless flows provided traffic is safe and consented.’ Inhibitors for growth include: fraudulent affiliates, unlevel billing playing field, and Google/Facebook advertising monopoly pushing cost of acquisition up.
‘We see some very clever [affiliate] hacks daily. Knee jerk, short-term, autonomous carrier penalties can only go so far.”
He argues that a more holistic approach is needed to stem these damaging affiliate hacks: “Monitoring systems like MCP’s help but closing the window on nefarious advertising practices needs a united, concerted response from Industry”.
He calls for the introduction of a ‘Trusted Flow Certification system’ where only those players maintaining the highest rating operate on the most desirable payment flows.
See the full Q&A on Telemedia Online!
For more information contact Declan Pettit declan@mcpinsight.com