Machines Detecting Humans

Through MCP Shield, our Fraud Detection and Blocking solution, we can map user interactions against physical human activity making it simple to detect a human versus a bot in Direct Carrier Billing (DCB) consumer journeys. We continue to see large numbers of DCB opt-ins where there is no user interaction on ‘the page to be protected.’  Some fraud systems used by Mobile Operators and Aggregators are NOT trying to detect user interactions.

By using deep Machine Learning techniques, Shield programmatically reviews the clusters of user interactions or events as demonstrated by the heat-map above. Shield maps these user interactions against physical human activity (e.g., push-up screen, push-down screen).  This way, it is now easy to determine if the interactions on the screen are in fact, human.

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Book a meeting with MCP Insight at 8.1 LIVE to explore how we can protect your mVAS/DCB business and grow revenue.