What are the top 5 VAS categories in Kuwait over the last 3 months?

With more than 189,000 advertising tests logged over 3 months on MCP Scanner, Games is currently the top VAS  category in Kuwait followed by Videos with 54,000 tests and Mixed Content with 8,600 tests.

Kuwait’s top service categories (August – October 2020)

Image A: Data from MCP Insight’s proprietary webtool MCP Scanner

The service category showing the highest compliance rating is the Lifestyle category, in first position with 98% of advertising flows being compliant.

Kuwait’s top service category compliance summary (August – October 2020)

chart 2

Image B:  Data from MCP Insight’s proprietary webtool MCP Scanner

Get in touch to find out more about MCP Insight’s activity in Kuwait and our other territories.


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MCP Insight is a UK based compliance and fraud monitoring company, specialising in mobile gateway traffic. Our clients include Mobile Operators, Regulators, Aggregators and Merchants. We’ve been providing solutions to the mobile payments industry across 30 territories for the past six years.

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